PUSD Publications


All lamination orders are now cut to size!

Meet the newest member of our team, Fujipla ALM3230:

Fujipla ALM3230

You no longer need to spend hours hand-trimming your laminated prints from those scary uncut rolls!
no more uncut laminated rolls



 1  Simply select Lamination under binding options:
lamination order

 2  In the Special Instructions section, specify if you would like your lamination encapsulated or cut flush:
lamination encapsulated     lamination flush

Encapsulated fully seals your prints preventing moisture from entering along the edges. Flush cut is for a nicer presentation.


Since Fujipla ALM3230 accurately laminates each sheet, we can now also trim laminated sheets for bookmarks, flash cards, etc.

Please note, lamination is 1.5mil which is thinner than the 3mil we previously offered. It's great for protection, but if you would like something more rigid, please specify a thicker stock. Laminated 67lb cover stock is a great option. We also have heavier stocks available.

Contact us if you would like samples or if you have any questions.

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